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Tuesday 10th May

Schedule Number Author-Title
0845 – 0910: Register +POSTER SETUP
0915 – 1015: OPEN CEREMONY (15 minute gap for dignitaries to depart)
1030 – 1120 K1 Welcome/intro and Sarah Hughes
The ICES Report on Ocean Climate: variability in the ICES region.
1120 – 1140: COFFEE
1140 – 1200 03 Ken Drinkwater
Changes in the NAO forcing in the North Atlantic during 2000-2009
- Karim Hilmi
1200 – 1210 Ex1 Exhibitor Presentation:
AADIS IT – “AADI Long Term Monitoring Systems: new systems ad some references”
1210 – 1300: Poster Session
1300 – 1400: LUNCH
1400 – 1440 K2 Peter Rhines
Climate variability in the North Atlantic, causes and consequences.
1440 – 1500 40 Isabel Iglesias
North-West Iberia maritime climate during the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st
1500 – 1520 95 Raquel Somavilla
Mixed layer depth (MLD) variability in the southern Bay of Biscay. Deepening of winter MLDs concurrent with generalized upper water warming trends?
1520 – 1540 32 Ricardo González
Gil-Long-term mesozooplankton changes in coastal waters of North Spain
1540 – 1600 60 Xosé Anxelu G. Morán
More microbes with warming? Analysis of planktonic time-series in the southern Bay of Biscay continental shelf
1600 – 1620: COFFEE
1620 – 1640 68 Almudena Fontán
Variability in hydroclimatic conditions observed during 2000-2009 in relation to the last decades, in the SE Bay of Biscay
1640 – 1700 19 Begoña Santos Vazquez
Vigo Cycles and trends in the Iberian sardine stock and catch series and their relationship with the environment
1700 – 1720 79 Stefano Ciavatta
Long-term variability of the lower trophic levels in the western English Channel
1720 – 1740 110 Henning Wehde
Decadal variability of hydrodynamics and productivity in North and Baltic Seas, relating 2000-2009 to the earlier decades
1740 – 1800 125 Juergen Alheit
Impact of climate variability on North Sea ecosystem
1800 – 1820 44 Jon Albretsen
Climatic variability in the Skagerrak and coastal waters of Norway
2000 – : Evening Reception - Magdalena Palace

Wednesday 11th May

Schedule Number Author-Title
0900 – 0940 K3 Peter Wiebe
Plankton Variability in the ICES area.
0940 – 1000 128 Tore Johannessen
Concurrent recruitment failure in gadoids and changes in the planktonic community along the Norwegian Skagerrak coast after 2002
1000 – 1020 50 Samuel Shephard
Size-based indicators suggest sustained changes in size-structure of the Celtic Sea demersal fish community
1020 – 1040 24 Glenn Nolan
Variability in the physical structure, ocean chemistry, plankton ecology and commercial fish of the seas around Ireland between 1997 and 2010
1040 – 1100: COFFEE
1100 – 1120 27 Toby Sherwin
60 years of monitoring the Rockall Trough
1120 – 1140 77 Michael Penston
Seasonal and interannual variation of two Calanus species off the east and west coasts of Scotland
1140 – 1200 106 Karin M. Larsen
Atlantic water flow through the Faroe area 2000-2009
1200 – 1210 Ex2 Exhibitor Presentation:
INNOVA Oceanografía litoral, S.L. - "The role of companies in climate change".
1210 – 1230 119 Eilif Gaard
Zooplankton variability on the Faroe Shelf and in the surrounding oceanic area in relation to phytoplankton and physical conditions
1230 – 1250 111 Svein Østerhus
Ocean Weather Ship Station M 1948-2009 - the end of the North Atlantic Weather Ship era
1250 – 1400: LUNCH
1400 – 1440 K4 Mike Sinclair
Variability in fish production and the environment.
1440 – 1500 25 Hjálmar Hátún
Sub-decadal oceanic oscillations regulate the north-eastern Atlantic shelf ecosystems
1500 – 1520 114 Henning Wehde
Decadal changes in ocean chlorophyll
1520 – 1540 100 Clive Trueman
Stable isotope evidence for the rate at which climate-driven variations in phytoplankton growth influence higher trophic levels
1540 – 1600: COFFEE
1600 – 1620 18 Kjell Arne Mork
Hydrographic variability in the Norwegian Sea during 1995-2010
1620 – 1640 70 Waldemar Walczowski
Atlantic Water - the main driver of the European Arctic marine ecosystem
1640 – 1700 113 Katrin Latarius
Seasonal to interannual variability of temperature and salinity in the Nordic Seas: heat and freshwater budgets
1700 – 1830: Drinks & Poster Session
2030 – : Conference Dinner - Silken Rio Hotel

Thursday 12th May

Schedule Number Author-Title
0900 – 0940 K5 Andrew Kenny
Ecosystem variability, preparing an integrated assessment of the North Sea.
0940 – 1000 130 Geir Ottersen
The serial recruitment failure to North Sea fish stocks during the 2000s, is climate to blame?
1000 – 1020 12 Alexey Karsakov
Current state of the Atlantic waters and climate in the Barents Sea
1020 – 1040 21 Alexander Trofimov
Structure of the Barents Sea plankton communities under climate change conditions during 2000-2009
1040 – 1100: COFFEE
1100 – 1120 15 Edda Johannesen
Barents Sea ecosystem state: climate fluctuations, human impact and system resilience
1120 – 1140 112 Slawomir Kwasniewski
Multi-year variability in zooplankton on the West Spitsbergen Shelf in relation to hydrography, and impacts on planktivorous seabirds
1140 – 1200 85 Eduard Bauerfeind
Phytoplankton community structure analysed with molecular methods during late summers 2000 -2008 obtained from sediment traps at the AWI deep-sea observatory HAUSGARTEN (79°N/4°E)
1200 – 1220 31 Héðinn Valdimarsson
A review of hydrographic variability in Icelandic waters during recent decades and changes in distribution of fish species
1220 – 1240 73 Stephen Dye
Properties and variability of the Denmark Strait Overflow
1240 – 1400: LUNCH
1400 – 1420 107 Johannes Karstensen
On the role of freshwater forcing on the convection intensity in the central Irminger Sea between 2002 and 2011
1420 – 1440 67 Eugene Colbourne
Ecosystem variability in NAFO Waters adjacent to the Newfoundland and Labrador Shelves during 2000-2009
1440 – 1500 137 Erica Head
Long-term variability (1958-2009) in the plankton in Northwest Atlantic shelf and oceanic regions in relation to hydrography
1500 – 1520 83 Alfonso Pérez-Rodríguez
Study of the demersal fish community of the Flemish Cap (NAFO Div. 3M): Changes in community structure and common trends
1520 – 1540 132 Brian Rothschild
Contrasting the variability of Northwest Atlantic fish populations during 2000-2009 with 1960-2010
1540 – 1600 14 Steve Cadrin
Differential impacts of climate change on spawning populations of Atlantic cod in U.S. waters
1600 - 1620: Concluding Remarks & Symposium Close