Schedule |
Number |
Author-Title |
0900 – 0940 |
K3 |
Peter Wiebe Plankton Variability in the ICES area.
0940 – 1000 |
128 |
Tore Johannessen Concurrent recruitment failure in gadoids and changes in the planktonic community along the Norwegian Skagerrak coast after 2002
1000 – 1020 |
50 |
Samuel Shephard Size-based indicators suggest sustained changes in size-structure of the Celtic Sea demersal fish community
1020 – 1040 |
24 |
Glenn Nolan Variability in the physical structure, ocean chemistry, plankton ecology and commercial fish of the seas around Ireland between 1997 and 2010
1040 – 1100: COFFEE |
1100 – 1120 |
27 |
Toby Sherwin 60 years of monitoring the Rockall Trough
1120 – 1140 |
77 |
Michael Penston Seasonal and interannual variation of two Calanus species off the east and west coasts of Scotland
1140 – 1200 |
106 |
Karin M. Larsen Atlantic water flow through the Faroe area 2000-2009
1200 – 1210 |
Ex2 |
Exhibitor Presentation: INNOVA Oceanografía litoral, S.L. - "The role of companies in climate change".
1210 – 1230 |
119 |
Eilif Gaard Zooplankton variability on the Faroe Shelf and in the surrounding oceanic area in relation to phytoplankton and physical conditions
1230 – 1250 |
111 |
Svein Østerhus Ocean Weather Ship Station M 1948-2009 - the end of the North Atlantic Weather Ship era
1250 – 1400: LUNCH |
1400 – 1440 |
K4 |
Mike Sinclair Variability in fish production and the environment.
1440 – 1500 |
25 |
Hjálmar Hátún Sub-decadal oceanic oscillations regulate the north-eastern Atlantic shelf ecosystems
1500 – 1520 |
114 |
Henning Wehde Decadal changes in ocean chlorophyll
1520 – 1540 |
100 |
Clive Trueman Stable isotope evidence for the rate at which climate-driven variations in phytoplankton growth influence higher trophic levels
1540 – 1600: COFFEE |
1600 – 1620 |
18 |
Kjell Arne Mork Hydrographic variability in the Norwegian Sea during 1995-2010
1620 – 1640 |
70 |
Waldemar Walczowski Atlantic Water - the main driver of the European Arctic marine ecosystem
1640 – 1700 |
113 |
Katrin Latarius Seasonal to interannual variability of temperature and salinity in the Nordic Seas: heat and freshwater budgets
1700 – 1830: Drinks & Poster Session |
2030 – : Conference Dinner - Silken Rio Hotel |